January 8, 2017
The major portion of my life has been spent serving as a pastor. I have spoken to people who identify with every major denomination in the church world. After all of this time, I have come to the conclusion that I don't understand people at all!
I used to. There was a day when, if people made you a promise, they kept it. Seems as though now, that people will promise anything without any intention of fulfilling their word. Do you know, there was actually a day when you could borrow money at a local bank on the shake of a hand?
When we moved to Sarcoxie, our neighbor left his keys in his car and pickup in case someone needed to borrow it. Our church was never locked. Someone might want to come in and pray.
Today no one would dare leave their keys in their vehicles!
Churches have too much equipment that could be stolen to leave their doors open!
When we came, the churches in our community worked together. We promoted unified services for Easter and Christmas and we shared the benefits of the Christian Alliance. Combined funds helped with needs in the town and also assisted transients.
We often attended revival services conducted by another church. Pastors would gather together to pray. Nowadays we pastors don't even know each other. People no longer fellowship with others outside of their own congregation.
I watched over the years as folks drifted and became less faithful to their church. Times have changed they said. We were too busy to attend services. People are more angry than I have ever witnessed.
I have concluded, God has not changed! The message has not changed. People have changed! Technology has certainly brought change! God's remedy of change was to "continue in love one for the other!"
Don Sullivan